Florida SuperCon 2014

July 14, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

On the 4th of July, I had the pleasure of attending Florida Supercon at the Miami Beach Convention Center. Florida Supercon is the Largest convention in South Florida for Comic Book, Anime, Animation, Video Game, Fantasy, Sci-Fi and Pop Culture. I have had the wonderful opportunity of attending the convention over the past three years, and this was the biggest by far. With over 43,000 attendees it was quite a successful convention in their bigger and better venue. While I was not able to attend all the days of the convention to capture all of the wonderful cosplayers, I did capture a few gems which were my favorites! I hope you enjoy them, comment and let me know your favorites. If I captured your image from Supercon or if you know who is cosplaying in these pictures, then please leave a comment!

Keep Smiling,



 Storm - My favorite Hero! Rouge & Gambit - My Favorite Couple

I love seeing Kids Cosplay! I had to capture the Mini Poison Ivy. Poison Ivy is my Favorite Villian!

A Fresh Start

June 14, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

Greetings and Salutations!

     I wanted to write a quick post to let everyone know how excited I am to get my new website off the ground and running. I openly welcome you to the new website of B. Wynn Photography. I am looking forward to sharing my art with all of you and serve you better as a photographer with my new website.  

Over the years I have developed my photography from being a hobbyist into a professional photographer. I've always had a passion for finding creative outlets whether it be through drawing, painting, dancing, or writing. Photography is something I've always been around thanks to my Father. If you know anything about my family, then you'd know how big of a photography fan my Father was. He passed his love of photography on to me. I picked my first DSLR a year after he passed away and I haven't put it down since. I continue his love by following my passion and sharing it with all of you.

I'll be blogging fairly frequently, so please keep up with the blog. There are also some more slight changes to the site are being developed currently so stay tuned for that as well. 


   Keep Smiling,



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